"The difficulty wasn't very hard, it was a pretty simple game. The hardest part would have had to have been the Niger river and trying not to get eaten when playing. The easiest part would have to be shaking the trees to get dates and finding the goats to put back in the cage. Overall it was a fun game to play and take time on."~ 10th grade, Addie
In The Footsteps Of Matthew Henson

Boarding the Roosevelt, a polar exploration ship, the users embarques on the Peary Expedition of 1908-1909.

Traveling alongside Matthew Henson, a famous African American explorer, this ship goes on dangerous explorations to gather information about the North Pole and obtain information about the extreme lands for all of mankind’s knowledge.

Before going on this journey, explorers must brace themselves for the history of the ship and what is to come of this icy unknown journey! Wolves, Inuit tribes, harpoon throwing, and sailing the unknown will all be part of this quest!

In the Footsteps of Matthew Henson is an insightful exploration game that allows users to learn about the expeditions of Matthew Henson and what the polar regions of the world hold.

Being an iconic trailblazer for African American explorers, this game will highlight the achievements and findings of his explorations that gave knowledge on arctic navigation, mapping of arctic regions, arctic environmental observations, and cultural exploration of the Inuit people.

This game is great for people interested in history, exploration, african american history, polar explorations, or any curious mind looking for an interactive exploration!

Matthew Henson, Inuit Tribes, Polar Explorations, African American, Arctic Navigation, Simulation
Recommended Age Range: 10 to 17     Release Date: March 2024
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